Senin, 04 Maret 2019

Pikiran Ke - Enam

How Bad Your Life is ?

The reason why I put such title to my sixth thought was based on what currently happened in my own life.

I am not going to brag about it nor will I proud of sharing it, but one thing for sure, I am tired of it. Lol

Many people might have thought the same right now, and come to an agreement that life is a pain in the arse. Sometimes you get beaten up till you barely breathe, yet sometimes you found yourself able to stand up for good. No human in this universe able to foresee what might happen to our life, yet we set our bar of expectation way higher than it should. Countless time I found myself begging for acceptance in a certain way that it should not suppose to be like that at all, I let myself drowning in an ecstasy of praised and contented in a self-achievement kind of feeling of making people happy. Without me knowing, I brought destructive thoughts and feeling come inside my mind. It both effects my perspective and the way I feel about myself. It is the thing that has been eating me up for good.

Image result for quotes of having a bad life

Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

Pikiran Ke-lima

Pada tulisan kali ini saya ingin menulis tentang SUSAHNYA MENCARI PEKERJAAN LEWAT SITUS ONLINE

Ada beberapa kesempatan yang Tuhan berikan pada saya untuk melamar pekerjaan (yang ribet) di situs - situs online. Berkali-kali saya sangat bersemangat jika menemukan pekerjaan dengan gaji yang WOW!, wilayah kerja yang (terbilang) terjangkau, dan persyaratan yang pas dengan diri (hina) ini. Tidaklah cepat saya menindis-nindis jari di laptop, memutar-mutar bola mata kesana-kemari, mengerutkan dahi yang sudah kerut, dan memukul-mukul punggung yang terlalu sering keram. Semua itu dilakukan demi secercah jalan untuk mendapat perkerjaan. Jobseeker adalah istilah dalam bahasa Inggris yang berarti Pencari Pekerjaan. Job = Pekerjaan dan Seeker = Pencari, saya yang tergolong (saat ini) sebagai Jobseeker memiliki triliun harapan yang dipupuk, disiram dan dierami selama beberapa abad.

Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

Pikiran Ke - Empat

Apa Yang Paling Berharga Dalam Hidup Ini

Jika ada orang yang menanyakan kalimat seperti yang ada pada judul di atas, saya bisa berpikir banyak hal. Namun, ada satu hal yang bisa dibilang paling penting bagi saya, yaitu TUJUAN.

Tujuan bagi saya adalah sebuah aspek kehidupan yang memegang peran penting, dan mungkin, bagi segelintir orang memang bukanlah hal yang akan selalu dipikirkan, jika mereka sudah mempunyai cukup materi dalam hal uang ataupun aset yang ada.

Pernah berpikir alasan anda harus bangun tiap pagi untuk apa? atau mungkin apa yang bisa anda kerjakan hari ini? Kedua pertanyaan tersebut tidaklah lepas dari yang namanya tujuan.

Bagi saya, ketika saya berada dalam situasi atau keadaan yang membuat saya tidak mempunyai suatu tujuan tertentu, saya cenderung akan merasa hilang, state that many people say "Pikiran Nda Di Badan".

Sekecil apapun itu, saya harus memiliki sebuah tujuan, setiap harinya.

"Baik atau buruknya tujuan saya, setidaknya saya mempunyai sesuatu untuk diperjuangkan."

Kamis, 10 November 2016

Pikiran Ke - Tiga

How Your Mood Affects Your Surroundings

Image result for bad mood and good mood

As for today, I woke up with a very awful feeling courtesy of an illness around my throat which I do not have any idea what kind of madness it is. Probably for eating an ice cream a couple days before but for Peter's sake it is only a single Cornetto! not that I would say no to gobble a big mega of it if I could, haha. Well we are not going to talk about the unknown disease I might encountered, you will die from the boredom that I put you into, pfft. Exaggerating~ It is nothing about that, just a little intro that will leading us to the reason why I put such title as it said  How Your Mood Effects Your Surroundings. Well to put that in a way that I can explain it to you, when the word mood crash into you, what word that suddenly pop into your head? is it bad mood? rough day in the morning? mother got you grounded for turning the house into a wrecked ship with your pals? or good mood? you want to share your special feeling to someone ? got a hot looking boyfriend? haha I would say tons of things about it. Nah I am too lazy to elaborate it, in fact it would takeo days to write it down. hahaha kidding.  On to it!

Good Mood

Having a good mood has been a number one desire in every body's will. I mean who doesn't want it? I myself want to be in a good mood as long as I can. I do not want to waste my time feeling gloomy and pester a long face. It is both consuming too much energy and not a good food for my health. People tend to seek for pleasure than grief. As much as we can and as long as we could get. Happiness has been the main reason for having a good mood. It felt so good to have a new car. Having a great promotion must be like a strawberry on top. Winning a good and fair game against a tough enemy feel so surreal and such a great accomplishment. Those are things that can put a big smile on anyone faces. Wanting and needing is always be a part of human nature. We tend to seek for something that bears a good profit in it. That leads us to a Bermuda triangle kinda thing namely expectations. When something bad comes up out of the blue, which is beyond our  presupposition, we doom. Sh*t happens. We begin to put our hand on our face and making those f*cked-up facial expression along with that deep never ending sigh. It is the opposite thing when we feel so happy for having a good marks on Math, got accepted on the dream job, get a full day off for a week from the Hitler kinda boss. Feels like we own the world, and like we can do anything. No kidding we can't. haha well it is indeed is a great feeling to be in a good mood. Most people are care enough to share their happiness around them, while others staying low profile and not bragging too much. The said feeling is good and true. When people are in love they smile too much, show off those teeth too often almost look like an idiot. They will have that over positive way of thinking and seeing things in their surroundings. They frequently will tolerate things a lot more better than those who are not having such emotion. It sure brings a very pleasant atmosphere around them. Tell me if I am wrong. We would smile when we have people give the same reaction toward us. Despite of all trouble that probably keeps running in our mind, we keep on put a nice face.

Bad Mood

Bad mood is always be the best feeling to make it the main reason when we do not want to talk to people. I do it occasionally to be honest. Back in the Uni. haha wish my friends do not read this. As I remembered I get to be called moody person once. I tend to shut myself up when I do not want to socialize. Then they would start to ask those 'why and what' questions that only make my mood even worse than before. I felt sorry for those who got my cynical responds. Lol you guys just do not have any idea. I could not blame them. Nah once again mood always took a very critical point in our surroundings. It never be a pleasant thing to have a bad mood. It is like having a pimple right on top of your nose, you just want to annihilate it without trace. It could be a little dangerous when you have an important task to be finished but just at the worst moment your temperamental boss demand another tasks for you to make it done right away. You will find your mind goes rollercoastering. What sh*t did you dreamt last night? Lol I would seriously blow up without even thinking on where and what kind of consequence I would got afterwards. Well I am only human. So it is mostly normal right? haha I am just trying to reasoning myself. Well it is what happened when someone have a very bad mood at the very unwell situation.
Apart from all of those words I keep rambling on about, whether you are in a good mood or a bad one, you can try to not over reacting it. Like embrace it with a good smile when you are happy. Do not go all shouting and making other people uncomfortable or even worst thought you insane. It also occurs when you are in a bad mood. Well I am not saying for you to put a smile on your face, that is nuts! Just be honest to yourself. Yet instead of getting on rage and making yourself look like an angry Hulk throwing and tossing stuffs, you can put those ugly hell swearing words into your mind. You can even post it on a blog. You will even get paid by it. haha though I can not give you the tips about getting paid. I am a blank sheet about it. As much as we do not want bad things happen in our life, it still happens. The outcomes are depend on how good we treat such matter. Different people will see things differently. How bad or good a situation is are based on how the said doer act upon it. You can get so furious and slamming the door, or swearing bad words and punching the wall, it is on you to react the way you want. However, knowing the result that might happen afterward, is worth considering. I would apply the 'think before you speak' phrase onto this one. Not only because word are a weapon-like thing to begin with, but word also bears a very powerful meaning in it. So before you saying things that you might think you mean it which in your composed self not, you might want to consider this phrase. It applies as well as in things that you do. Try not to do things that you might regret later in the future. That is the hardest part in living this life, I guess. So whatever your situation is right now, compose yourself as well as you can, in such a way that you will be proud of. Think again if you want to waste your energy on things that are not even worth a single muscle. Share your happiness when you are happy. Just do not go smiling like you are just having a new set pair of white teeth from a dentist. When you are angry or sad, instead of shut yourself in, find a company to talk with. It helps a lot. You are still human. You make stuff that you will regret, and keep doing the same mistake twice thrice and million times without a shame. Lol May you have a good life that someday you will loved to talk about! God be with you always~

Image result for bad mood and good mood

Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

Pikiran Kedua

Love itself is a curse

Image result for love is a curse

Every time this word comes to mind, I do not know how to describe it myself. At one moment I know what kind of meaning it bears, yet at the same time, the little hamster in mind stops abruptly. LOL do not ask me why cause I ain't have any idea how. It just happen in a way that I can not put into words. One thing to make it simple. We love our parents. We love our spouse. We want them to be safe. We will make every ounce of our muscle move just to make them happy. Heck, I will sacrifice myself for them. Why? it is because we love them. We care about their whole being. When they are sad, we will go around the world to buy a gift, a bags of cookies and chocolate to cheer them up. We will feel troubled if something happen to them that make us their main issues. We will be over worried if something bad might happen to them. I might be exaggerating it but still it do happen in our lives, right? What I wanted to say here is that I come to realize that love itself is a curse. Why? because it makes us do things that we are not capable of doing. Have you ever happen to be requested by your spouse in buying things that is beyond your wallet capacity? or ever happen to make things more easier for your relatives to enjoy their life in university? ever wonder what stuffs that you think is necessary but risky to be made and sometimes cost an arm and a leg but you never found it bad for you? Unbeknownst to you, it is a way leading to a cliff love. At first you might think that it is all right, meh won't be a problem at all, it is worthy, or 'I will deal with the consequences later' kinda words. Do not worry because that is normal for a human to encounter such things. I myself ever happen to be at that point. It really sucks. Cliff love is a phrase that I made for myself. It defines love as a very risky thing to be felt. I might say it is priceless because the things that we do to conquer such emotion fully are beyond words and acts. It is a curse that makes us bounded by the euphoria of feelings we felt afterwards. It ruins our mind to do stuffs that we think we could but apparently not, even in a million years. It pushes us to the edge of sanity. Until later we decide to jump not by our own will but from the idea we thought we would had, that would bring us to a place that holds contentment and peace. Put all that aside, love is too strong to explained. When you encounter this devil-like feeling, do not lose your mind. Buy things that your wallet can purchase. haha never try the shortcut like rob a bank or abducting someone else's kids. Lol that is way too insane pal. Be as happy as you can in your own way. If your spouse demanding those diamond things, well if you are one of those rich person in the world you will not find any trouble purchasing it, but if you are grouping in those average civilians, better save up your money for good. Life hold something that you will never know how and when it would happens. Have it in a good way. You get to learn how to live your life from the very bottom. Not every one get a chance for that. So cheer up! There is still someone up there who knows your own needs and wants. It is because He is the root of love itself.

"If you know the reason why you love someone, you are not in love" Unknown

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2016

Pikiran Pertama


Life is so much a f*cker sometimes. You happen to be a good listener and expect people to treat you how you treat them. Yet when there comes a moment you need somebody to talk to, no body seems to get in the radar. Lol Why in the world such thing happen? Well, I came to realize one thing. People tend to help each other only if they either need or expect something in return or they can be in such a pure boredom. Tragic yes, but that is how things that I found out by living in this world. So much for a giver, I myself wanting the best happen to those I held dearly. Yet so often I get so much disappointment. Not that I am complaining, haha I just want to share these thoughts to you people. Being a good person is fine, but just don't ever let people use that kindness of yours to their like. I would say that integrity is needed . Stand for what you mean. Say no when you think that they are leading you to their desire path. Stop judging people by their looks. You will get fooled by it in no time. Do set what kind of things that you need and have to change in your life. Try to put a real true meaning in every single words you said, good and bad things. You have to mean it. It all comes from your heart. Make it a habit. It soon will affect your brain to stimulate your body to do everything meaningfully. Be honest to yourself and do it to others as well. One of my honorable trainer in uni ever said this,

"If you want to be bad, be super bad, that goes along with the good one, don't ever try to be half of it."